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1. The goal of the artist is the creative integration of daily activity. Each activity, from the simplest to the most complex, is theoretically equal and therefore can serve as a source of inspiration. The creative artist never takes for granted or despises what is perhaps mundane to others because his/her every movement and every action is both a reflection and a function of the source of life and therefore essential.

2. The master's voice is unmistakable and distinct yet contributes selflessly to the collective. It is identifiable but not distracting.

3. The idea of forward motion combined with thematic reference is essential to a focused improvisation. One's sound is also a key factor because along with this motion must be a color to justify and give depth to the theme.

4. Creative energy, conventionally undefinable yet tangible, emanates and flows back to one Source. This energy is without beginning, without ending, and without partiality.

5. Music improvisation, performance, and composition are modes of total listening. Total listening is an essential form of meditation in action that creates spiritual regeneration.

6. Music can be experienced on infinite levels and increments of understanding -- aural, spiritual, psychological, physiological, emotional, etc. It exists as an infinite continuum of modes of thought and action.

7. All human beings are creative because life is fundamentally improvisatory. The ability to improvise is enhanced by being open to choice. What appears sometimes as the absence of choice is created by ourselves. The more limited and conditioned our choices, the less creative we become. What appears today as choice in our soceity could easily be called control if viewed differently. When control is veiled as choice, then improvisation as a function of creativity is discouraged. The creative artist must determine what is true choice.

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